Attention process-users! You have two new features to help you build and launch new processes faster!
Test Flight lets you run tests of a process with fake customers and properties in just a few clicks!
  • Quickly test processes as you're building them to make sure it's working they way you want before you launch it
  • Have your team run tests of processes to learn the process and/or give feedback on it
Gradually launch a new process to your customers in a safe environment with automation disabled using Process Draft Mode.
If you've built a new process and want to start using it, it's best to run the process with a few customers without any automation first.
Now, when you create a new process type it will be in "Draft" mode, which disables email and text message automation so you can safely run the process for the first few times.
When you're ready to use the process for all your customers with automation, set the process live!